I couldn't believe my ears when I heard my baby saying "Mama mama" today! I tried to get her to repeat what she just said and all she gave me was a blank look before mumbling "papapapa". I guess I'll need to be more patient before she actually understands the meaning of "Mama".
Hubby came back slightly earlier today so we had some family time shopping for grocery at NTUC. Yee Sinn simply loves sitting in the shopping trolley. Sometimes when we're not too watchful, she'll pick up bags of brocollis or carrots and place them in the trolley. Yes, we caught her doing so a few times already!
We also make it a point to bring her to the playground everyday if the weather permits. Today, she was screaming in delight as she went down the slides. I could hear her screaming from the 6th floor of our flat. She also gave a few laughs as she sat on her papa's lap watching a group of boys learning how to roller-blade.
All these simple pleasure of seeing the delights of my little daughter is only possible if I spend more time with her at home. Sometimes it is really tempting to be a stay-at-home-mother, but the financial independence is too good to give up... at least for now. *Sigh*