Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here are some of the photos that we took as a family at a photo studio 2 weeks ago. We have not chosen which pictures we want to purchase yet. These are some of those that I scanned from the printouts that the studio passed to us for selection.... which explains the low resolution.

We sure had a lot of fun posing for the camera. Yee Sinn is quite comfortable in front of the lenses. She wasn't a bit afraid and warmed up quickly to the photographer.

I came back to work after 1 week of rest at home. Kind of miss being with Yee Sinn though I'm swamped with work. I'm almost full to my brim but I thought I'll just spend 5 min on this blog.

We brought out little girl for her 9-month's check up on Saturday morning. She now weighs 8.2kg and has a height of 71cm. She's at the 75% range. Doctor Heng said she's on track for all her milestones, except her gross motor skills- She is way ahead on her peers. She is able to stand few seconds unaided, cruise around with support and pick up little things with her thumb and index fingers (and pinch people too!)

She now knows her name and understands quite a few words. For example, she will wave her hands when we say "Bye bye", she will try to give us her ball when we stretch out our hands (though she can't really release her palm just yet). She will crawl over to us when we say and motion to her "Come here". She is now an expert blabbler and will sing herself to sleep by humming every night.

I will be posting some pictures we took over the long weekend later in the day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard my baby saying "Mama mama" today! I tried to get her to repeat what she just said and all she gave me was a blank look before mumbling "papapapa". I guess I'll need to be more patient before she actually understands the meaning of "Mama".

Hubby came back slightly earlier today so we had some family time shopping for grocery at NTUC. Yee Sinn simply loves sitting in the shopping trolley. Sometimes when we're not too watchful, she'll pick up bags of brocollis or carrots and place them in the trolley. Yes, we caught her doing so a few times already!

We also make it a point to bring her to the playground everyday if the weather permits. Today, she was screaming in delight as she went down the slides. I could hear her screaming from the 6th floor of our flat. She also gave a few laughs as she sat on her papa's lap watching a group of boys learning how to roller-blade.

All these simple pleasure of seeing the delights of my little daughter is only possible if I spend more time with her at home. Sometimes it is really tempting to be a stay-at-home-mother, but the financial independence is too good to give up... at least for now. *Sigh*

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yee Sinn is now learning how to walk. She has been using the edge of the tables and chairs to guide her along. She likes it when we hold her hands while she takes her baby steps. She has also been trying to stand without support, usually for a few seconds before she place her bum gently down onto the floor again. We're pretty sure she'll be toddling before she reaches 11 month.

I cut Yee Sinn hair yet last week, much to the protest of her Ah Yee. Ah Yee was so disappointed that I decided to snip off her locks so soon. She was looking forward to tying her hair with clips and cutie bands. She exclaimed that my hairstyling skills was bad as it didn't have any "Style". "Coconut shape" is also a style what!! Anyway, here are some photos that I took of my dear girl during the last few days at home with her.

Here is Yee Sinn with her "Coconut" hairstyle. I kind of like her bangs. It could have been much neater had she not moved too much.

It is such a delight for Yee Sinn when we place her in front of our piano. She simply enjoys banging the keys. She has so much energy nowadays that we often get exhausted looking after her. Sometime, a simple relief would be just putting her in front of the piano while we quietly sit next to her.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yee Sinn has been very attached to me recently. She would wake up in the middle of the night, look around her and if I'm not in her line of sight, she will scream in horror. It doesn't work to get hubby to carry her to calm her down as she will scream even louder. At one moment, I am pleased that I remain the number 1 person in her life but on the other hand, it can be very tiring physically to be the only one waking up and putting her back to sleep in the wee hours in the morning. Let's hope this screaming phase will pass, though I do hope I'll remain the most important person in her life.

Yee Sinn's favourite sentence now is "Ah Lah Lah". If she sees you eating something and she wants a bite of it, she will go "Ah Lah Lah!! Ah Lah Lah!!". She will repeat the same phase IF we are too slow in feeding her her porridge. At the moment, we are refraining from putting our food into her mouth. She is currently on a strict no sodium, no sugar diet. Yes, she will be having her yucky porridge (yucky cos you have everything from veg to fish etc all mixed up in a bowl.. it can actually look quite gross.) till she turns one at least.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

This is so upsetting. I haven't been feeling well for the past 2 weeks. Visited Dr C for a check up and found out that my uterus is in a mess. Sigh. She gave me 2 alternatives - either I go for a minor surgery called D&C for short, to clean it up, or just leave it there till god knows when.

After much consideration, I chose to go for the surgery this coming Thursday. Most probably I will be on MC for 1 week so I guess it'll be the beginning of HELL week tomorrow as I rush to clear of urgent work.

Oh well, I guess it's just one of the days when our body doesn't function normally as it should. Sigh.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I brought Yee Sinn out to Hort Park on Sunday. Apparently there was a baby event called "Babies Day Out" organised by Mediacorp.

After picking up our goodie bags, we had a simple picnic consisting of burgers from MacDonalds. We walked around the park a little and let Yee Sinn explore the children's playground. She was so delighted with the slide as well as the pseudo rock climbing wall. It seemed that she is quite a daring kid, often taking "calculated" risk as she climbed her way up the slope with big steps or when she slided herself down by pushing her bum to start of the slide. (It is "calculated" because she done all these with papa's help)

Seeing her so happy just made my day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yee Sinn has been taking her formula milk well. Over the last 2 days, we have gradually increased the proportion of formula milk to breastmilk. Just last night, we fed her with 100% formula milk during her last feed before she slept. The plus point of her drinking formula milk is she was able to sleep till 7am this morning.

We still have many packets of frozen breastmilk in our freezer. I plan to give her 1 packet a day before they expires. I think it should last at least another month before she finishes them.