I was on leave to spend time with both hubby and Yee Sinn yesterday. We had it all planned out - take our little girl to the library in the morning, then check out the Gundam Festival at Compasspoint in the afternoon.
We thought it'll be really cool that Yee Sinn could meet Mr Life-Size Gundam... and Yes, she was pretty fascinated. Hubby was also very excited with the model kits and all, but he didn't get any cos it wasn't any much cheaper than the usual 20% sale. He was hinting to me in getting it for him for Christmas. Oh well, we'll see if he has been a good boy or not when the time comes. Hahahahah.

It was very fun watching Yee Sinn going from booth to booth. Many a times, she'll exclaim "Wooow! Gun Damnn!!" Her Papa is really please that his little girl appreciates these "finer things in life". *sigh*

There is a picture of both father and daughter appreciating the models that were on displayed. Yee Sinn was a bit disappointed that she couldn't get to touch any of the models. We promised her that she'll get to play with Papa's model once he completes it. Hee hee.