I've been so terribly busy at work that I've not posted here for so long. Work sucks and I'm so tempted to quit and be a full time mother... but I don't think I can give up the comfort of having additional income in the family.. well, at least not now.
Another 2 months and my little girl will be 2 years old. Grandma Lee went on a holiday last 3 days so I was a stay-at-home mother for the weekend. I was pretty surprised how much Yee Sinn has developed in terms of her verbal skills. She saw a picture of some fruits and pointed them out to me one by one : "Liu Lian.... Star fruit... Kiwi.... watermeelon" The sad part? I wasn't the one who taught her all those. But nevertheless, it was a nice surprise.
So friday afternoon, after hubby came back from work, we decided to take her to Liang Court. Heard from a friend about a kid's gym (Royce's Kids) that was pretty well equipped and after checking it out, we must agree that it was pretty impressive. Yee Sinn was so engrossed in her playing that she refused to leave the place. We walked away $50 poorer though... cos we decided to sign her up for the membership so we can bring her to there more often.
Yee Sinn spent her Saturday and Sunday afternoon at Grandma Chang's place. Hubby and I had violin practice with our friends so Grandma Chang was kind enough to offer her baby sitting service. She had a blast at Grandma Chang's place.... after all, there were so many people keeping her entertained.