Have not been blogging lately cos I was clearing my leave at home and the network at home is pretty slow.. uploading pics took quite a long time. Our little girl has also been sick for the past few days. Her cough was so bad that we had to put her on the neubulizer. And as usual, she screamed, kicked and tried to wiggle her way out each time. Hubby had to hold her down while I hold on the respirator on her face. Guess it wasn't a good way to start my vacation leave....
At the beginning of my leave, we took Yee Sinn out to United Square to catch the Barney show. The crowd was CRAZY... though we were there like half an hour early, we couldn't get into the arena. But nevertheless, we managed to catch the show from afar and I'm sure our little girl enjoyed herself too. We did'n't want to spend anymore money just to get a picture with Barney and Friends so we just got Yee Sinn to pose infront of the Barney cutouts... What a cheapo parents we are!

There were days when we just went out to the playground just to have a breathe of fresh air. The picture on the left was taken at West Coast Park. Our little girl just love running around big open spaces. Guess it's really nice to be FREE.... hahahah.
There were a group of people nearby the open field at the park who were flying kites. We just sat there and watch the adults and kids releasing their kites into the sky.
On other days when we feel really lazy to drive out to the bigger parks, we make do with bringing her to the playground downstairs.
I realised that my little girl has grown quite a bit since. She can now climb ladders at the playgrounds effortlessly. She also loves to hang on the bars and swing herself... something that some older kids couldn't really do I realised.

This picture on the right was taken just before we headed out for my dad's birthday celebration. Yee Sinn nowadays also loves to doll herself up before going out. She'll wear her favourite hairband and sling on her little handbag before leaving home. Hope she'll not become too much of a vainpot. Hahahah.
Oh, check out my new sofa cover. One of our relative managed to sew it for us. Got the retro-indie-looking fabric from Spotlight during a sale. Am comtemplating getting a small sewing machine myself so that I can do all these craftwork on my own. Hee. Guess we'll be all ready for chinese new year soon with all that red.

And this was taken yesterday when we went to hortpark after the birthday party. We took some stale bread from Grandma Chang's place. It has been some time since we were there and the fishes have really grown.... not only they were bigger, they were also much much greedier!
We had a lot of fun feeding the fishes when it started to drizzle... so we didn't get to play ball at the lawn. We'll be there again this week, hopefully just before I get back to work.