Changi Village Hotel was having a 1night + 1night free promotion so we managed to book a staycation over the Easter holidays. This time round we decided to bring Yee Sinn and Grandma Lee over as well… after all, it was meant to be a family vacation. Unfortunately, Grandma Lee had to go for her polyclinic checkup on Saturday morning so she only stayed over night on Saturday.
It was a good break for all of us and I guess staycations have it’s plus points – no need to change currency, no need to do research for places of interests, no need to pack too many things (but do check out our luggage that we brought! We were too lazy to look for a smaller bag so we just simply dumped all our stuff into luggage that we brought to Penang.)

Good Friday was spent checking out the food centre nearby as well as playing with our little girl in the pool. I think Yee Sinn is a real water baby… she could stay in the pool for 3 hours straight! Either aiming her water pistol at both of us or just simply kicking the water to get from point A to point B. Most of the time, Grandma Lee and I were enjoying ourselves at the jucuzzi.... massaging our tired muscles away.
Oh, our little girl is also very much like her PaPa in another way - both of them love soaking in the hotel bathtub! Each can bathe for a whole half an hour!
We went to Changi Beach on Saturday morning… lugging our picnic mat, spades, pail and forks. It was terribly hot so I insisted on setting up the mat under a huge shady tree that was further away from the usual beach area. Though it was facing the jetty where to water wasn’t so clean, I didn’t want any of us to be exposed to too much sun. Also, Yee Sinn wasn’t too interested in going into the water… she was more interested in digging the sand and making imprints of pokemons and hello kitty with her sand moulds.
We went back for a shower before Yee Sinn had her nap. We wanted to check out the broad walk in the evening but it was drizzling so we all decided to hit the pool instead. A little crazy but our little girl just love the pool… and after all, even if the rain doesn’t get her head wet, all the splashing in the pool will.
On Easter Sunday, all of us had a nice slow breakfast at Salt Water. They were having a 25% discount for in-house guests. Yee Sinn ate for free and all she wanted was bread with cheese. Guess she and her dad are not buffet people. No prize for guessing where we all went straight after breakfast – to the POOL again!
We were sure Yee Sinn enjoyed this little holiday with us. Just before we left the hotel, she asked us why were we not going back up to the hotel room but instead, going to our car. We could sense that she was a little disappointed so we assured her that we'll be back there again soon.
We're all looking forward to the next long weekend holiday. Hee.