We were at Downtown East on Saturday morning. Hubby had some free tickets from the Teacher's Union for a Mayday 2010 carnival by NTUC. So thinking we had nothing else to do, we decided to check out the place.

We tried our hands on several carnival games and was disappointed to find that most of the prizes were the same... Pencils with erasers and colouring face mask for the kids. Some station games had so long queues with people hogging the games with stackloads of free game tickets. Wonder how they managed to get so many free tickets in the first place.

After walking around for a while, we decided to buy a ticket for a train ride that Yee Sinn was eyeing on since we came. This kiddy ride was not part of the free tickets that were given by the union. Oh well, I guess it is money well spent cos she was simply so delighted with the ride and kept posing for a picture everytime she comes round near us.

We ended the day at Wild Wild Wet. It was nice having to dunk into the cool water after a hot humid morning. However, as we approach noon, there were more and more people streaming into the pool area, making the place a little over crowded and chaotic. The ladies showering area was CRAZY...the crowd was so bad that I told hubby to take Yee Sinn to the guys shower area to get her cleaned and changed. Luckily, hubby managed to get into the handicap toilet that came with shower facility.
Generally, it was a fun day, except for the crowd. But guess this is Singapore and as long as it's free, there will be truckloads of people queueing for them.
As usual, the entire family was zonked out the moment we reached home.