I was on leave for two days last week. I thought I could have a laid-back vacation at home but I was wrong. Our little energizer bunny really kept us on our toes the entire weekend.
On Thursday morning, hubby had to take Grandma Lee for her medical check-up. Yee Sinn woke up late that morning. She had her usual corn-flaks for breakfast before settling down to watch her string of cartoons on her favourite Okto channel.
Just when she got bored, I took out some colouring worksheets to keep her occupied while I carry one with my chores. There were times when I had to stop what I was doing to encourage her into completing her task. The final product - A father's day crown for hubby that says "King of the Day".
Hubby was quite amused with the King's crown though... He thought that was his immunity against doing housework. I told him to dream on... Hahahha.

On Friday morning, we took Yee Sinn out to catch Toy Story 3. She has been telling us she would like to watch the show everytime she sees the thriller on TV or the colourful adverts in the papers.
So off we went... It was her first movie outing and we were not sure how it will turn out. We headed down to Cineleisure, bought a couple seat and placed a booster seat in between us for her.
There were several scary scenes during the show when she leaned towards us and asked for a cuddle. Otherwise, she was pretty entertained by the movie. It was a good show with a beautiful storyline. She could rattle off the character's name to Grandma Lee after the show when we met up for lunch.
As it was a weekday, we decided to check out if the queue at Ippudo was worth the wait. Fortunately, the wait was only 20 mins. I wasn't very impressed with their food though. Would think it has been over-rated by lots of food critics... Do go only if you got cash to burn and time to spare.

The entire family trooped down to the Singapore Art Museum (SAM) on Saturday afternoon. We intended to visit the much talked about Art's Garden: Children's Season. But when we got to SAM, Yee Sinn was sound asleep in her stroller. So we decided to check out the art exhibits at the main SAM building instead while she naps. Grandma Lee came with us cos her admission tickets were free for senior citizen.
Just when Yee Sinn woke up, we headed to the next building where all the fun began. We spent quite some time at Walter's Garden where there were many small pillows littered around artificial grass. We built a small fort and had a small pillow fight with Hubby. There were 4 floors of exhibits. One of our favourite was the Enchanted Forest. The so-called "forest" consisted of beautifully illustrated pictures of animals like tigers, snakes, fishes and some imaginary animals.
At a small corner was some tables and art materials where the kids could colour butterflies and paste them along the other exhibits. Yee Sinn was so engrossed with her artwork at one point in time.

We also spent quite a bit of our time at "Daisies" exhibit. It's an interactive exhibits where movements will cause the flowers projected on the floor to disappear. All Yee Sinn did was ran round and round in circles, enjoying herself with her burst of energy.

There was a dedicated activity room on the 2nd floor where the kids could get really hands on with artwork. As it was supposed to be Father's Day the day after, the volunteers had Yee Sinn to make a Father's Day picture. They helped her choose a picture and decorate it as she likes.
Strangely, our little girl has been fascinated with monsters. She told me that Papa loves monsters. She coloured its teeth pink and eyes blue. She also stuck many colourful feathers around her monster. When hubby asked her what does her monster eats, she replied most innocently "Monsters eat cookies!" I think she has too much of Sesame Street. Hahahahha.

Sunday was the usual at Grandma Chang's place. We decided to have a quiet father's day this time round. Evening was spent lazing at the botanical gardens. After feeding the fishes with stale bread, we headed down to the the open lawn near the Tumbusu Tree.
Father and daughter played a bit of football while I looked out for squirrels on the trees.

When we wished hubby a Happy Father's Day in the morning, his rely was " I'm happy to be your father every day"
Hubby was telling me how fortunate he is to be able to experience the growing up of our little girl. Simple things like Yee Sinn's little gestures of kisses and hugs that made us forget all the frustrations and terrors she has given to us.