30th of November 2010 will always be a special day for all of us at home.
The day marks the birth of our second daughter, Lee Yee Ruu (李逸如). Our birth story was really simple. We visited Dr Chua on Monday afternoon and realised that I was already 2-3cm dilated and I will be popping anytime soon. Beside feeling a lot of discomfort while moving, I was also experience frequent menses-like cramping for the past few nights. She suggested that we should induce the baby the day after if I did not experience contraction on Monday night- just in case baby gets into distressed etc. I think it was a safer choice rather than going into delivery at work or in a taxi.
So came 30th late morning, we admitted ourselves into Thomson Medical Hospital, did all the paper works, blood tests etc etc and waited. Dr Chua came in about 1pm to burst the waterbag followed by Dr Lim who administered my "Happidural". This birth was much more pleasant almost painless compared to giving birth to our first kid cos I requested for epidural from the onset. Perhaps it was also being a 2nd time parents, we knew what to expect.
Unfortunately, my dilation kind of stopped at 5cm even though I was put on Oxytocin, the contraction became more intense (not that I could feel the full pain anyway). It came to a point that baby's heart beat became slower and I had to be put on Oxygen instead. We did freak out a little cos I wasn't prepared to go into C-section last min. Thankfully, her heart rate went up after 20 mins and all was peaceful at the labour ward.
Oh well, after about a good 5-6 hrs since the bursting of waterbag, Dr Chua came in and we were all ready to receive our little princess. The pushing was much easier this time round as Yee Ruu was smaller than her sister - She weighs only 2.92kg, a good size to be delivered naturally. It only took me about 4 pushes and she was out!
Like our first kid, hubby had the honour of cutting the unbilical cord, taking her first few photos as well as being the first to weigh her.