First day of the new year-No scolding, no shouting and yelling and no crying. That’s the rule of the day for ushering in the Year of the Rabbit. With Yee Ruu as a new addition to the family, I was pretty worried about the logistic of bringing another kid around for the new year visitings. Am really glad that my fears were unfound as we spread out the visits and took our time at each destination.
The entire family was up and about early in the morning. We ate some mee sua with ingredients from the reunion dinner the night before before showering the kids. First stop of the day – Burmese temple. The entire family headed down to the Burmese temple to seek blessing for the coming year. It was a quick affair that didn’t take more than 20 mins.

After dropping of Grandma Lee back home, we all went to Grandma Chang’s place. The kids were pretty excited to meet their cousins. They basically helped themselves to the Chinese new year goodies and the usual toys like playdough etc while we adults exchange ang pows and chatted. We also dropped by another 2 aunties’ place before retreating home for a short rest.

It was not long after Hubby’s sister and family popped by for a visit. They were here for quite a while before all of us (they included) headed to another relatives’ place for dinner. It was a rare visit from hubby’s sister because they usually celebrate their new year in Muar. However, due to the flood in Malaysia, the family decided to keep things simple and stay put in Singapore. The next 2 days were the usual visits to the relatives from Hubby’s side of the family.
Am so glad to that I survived a rather hectic New Year! Lets hope we'll have a smooth year ahead.