Monday, August 5, 2013

I was surfing around and it suddenly occurred to me that I've not posted anything here for almost a year. Looking back at my previous post just made me realised that how fast my kids have grown. 

Yee Ruu and Yee Sinn are 2 independent individuals with opinions of their own. Yee Ruu is now a chatty little girl who has been attending playgroup for the past one year. She loves school and has a favourite classmate by the name of Emma. Amazingly, she and Emma often have impromptu playdates after school at a nearby playground, much to the amusement of Grandma Lee.

As for Yee Sinn, she has blossomed into a fine young lady who loves reading and drawing. Her school has been doing a great job teaching word recognition and phonics. With the power of reading and curiosity, she could figure out instructions, stories and even simple news articles on her own. It is amazing as well how she interprets situations or people through her drawings. Her portrayal of people and situations are often humorous, if not imaginative. 

Hubby and I sometime wish we could have more time away from work to be with our kids.  We do try to make time for our family nevertheless, taking them outdoors or planning vacations during the school holidays. 

Our kids are only young once and so are we. Let us enjoy these moments while we can.