Friday, January 11, 2008


Baby is finally engaged! That means Baby will be arriving anytime soon.... now I'm starting to be a little anxious. Dr C told us all is well and we should be ready for Baby's arrival anytime from today onwards. She's in a healthy weight range, approximately 3.1kg from the scan she did this afternoon. However, as the weight is only an estimate, Dr C predicts Baby will be around 2.9kg to 3kg the most. She mentioned that 2.9kg is a good size for natural birth.

There are quite a few outstanding items at work to be done:

1. Compile a list of to-do stuffs that my colleagues would have to do on my behalf.
(Thank goodness I have more or less taught her most of the technical issues)

2. Archive my mail box - sure don't wanna it to be blown up while I'm away for 3 months.

3. Set my out of office mail on standby

4. Clear workstation and keep all valuables such as my phone chargers etc

As for outstanding stuffs back home, I've got to:

1. Mop Baby's room

2. Set up the playpen in case the bed doesn't arrive on time

3. Remind my folks to get the confinment food/ herbs ready.

4. Remember to BREATHE and RELAX while anticipating Baby's arrival.

5. Enjoy my on coming adventure. Lots of cheers to motherhood!


Gus said...
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Jackie said...

hey there... iam soooo excited (and nervous) for you !! can't wait to meet your baby!
have you decided on the name yet ?

will keep you and the baby in my prayers , ok!


Little White Boat said...

Hi Jackie,

We have kind of shortlisted the names. Will only decide on which one to use once Baby is out. For now, she's called "Baby". Hee.