Yee Sinn has picked up a bad habit of needing to be carried while going to sleep. We wished she would be able to sleep on her own when we put her down. We have tried putting her down when she’s in a drowsy state or patting her while lying next to her in a mattress once she has her first yawn. Unfortunately, she still cries and wants to be carried to slumber-land. Sometimes her cries are soft whimpers, sometimes they are loud screams. Guess I’ll just have to be more patient with her while putting her to bed. After all, she is just a baby and crying is her only form of communication.
I enjoy the early mornings most….around 7am. Because it is when Yee Sinn and I will snuggle up together under the blanket for 1.5 hours before she gets up to poop at 8. Sometime she’ll have her tummyaches. When this happens, she’ll be lying on her tummy on my chest and the compression will make her feel better.
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