Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Last Saturday Yee Sinn had her 6-in-1 jab. As usually, she was down with fever in the night. Poor Mama and Papa could not have a proper rest as she was fussing the ENTIRE night. Glad she's all well and cheery on Sunday. She is growing up just fine. Dr Heng said she's in the 50th percentile range - not a very big baby in terms of weight. However, her motor skill development is excellent. She was amazed that Yee Sinn was able to sit so steadily during her check-up at the age of 5.5 months. Well, we did tell her that we are not overly protective parents - we let Yee Sinn tumble and fall so that she'll learn how to pick herself up quickly. Yes, we are so proud of our little baby for reaching all her milestones. Oh yah, did I mention that Yee Sinn can now associate the potty with pooping and peeing? Nowadays she gets it right 70% of the time. *Hee*
These few days, she seemed to be enjoying her little outings. Be it a simple trip downstairs to open the letter box, a car ride to Grandma Chang's house or to the playground downstairs, Yee Sinn never fails to show excitement when we tell her "Come, lets go kai kai!". Wondering when she'll be able to join Papa for his Sunday walks....
Friday, July 18, 2008
My favourite few photos taken recently

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Now, Yee Sinn is able to:
1. Do a double flip ( that was how she fell off the bed)
2. Sit up on her own for a short while
3. Be on all fours though not very mobile yet
4. Leopard crawl very quickly
5. Tell us she hates something by "booing"
Yee Sinn likes to:
1. Play with papa
2. Be carried downstairs to open the letter box
3. Look out of the window every night
4. Talk to people
5. Go to the playground and watch little kids play
6. Take car rides
7. Stand up
8. Laugh a lot
9. Scream in frustration.
and the list goes on.....
Though she is a big responsiblity, it has been a joy for all of us at home having her around. It's really a blessing having her in our lives.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Though taxi rides are expensive, I guess that’s the only indulgence I give myself for returning back to work after giving birth to our darling. Am looking forward to the day we get our own car....
Monday, July 14, 2008
Hubby and I had a scare yesterday morning. Yee Sinn fell off our bed while playing with hubby. It was quite traumatic for hubby – he thought he had killed our baby. But Yee Sinn was tough. Though she had a bad bump on her forehead, she was all well and smiley in the afternoon. We called Dr Chang straight after her fall as Yee Sinn was wailing away. She told us to monitor baby for the next 3 days. We’re observing her that she doesn’t have any fits, concussion, vomits, looks lethargic and sleepy. So far everything is well. Am hoping nothing eventful crops up.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Emotionally, my life has been richer with Yee Sinn around. I feel so much love for Yee Sinn in my every waking moment I spent watching her (well, almost). I grew to appreciate the people around me – My never- faltering hubby who is always around to guide me through difficult times, my parents, my mother-in-law, my siblings and even my friends. These are the people who have there for me when things get tough. There were times when I do regret having a baby – there were no more vacations, no more hanging out late after work and a big decreased in ME time. But I always remember that I don’t need to go through all these misery alone. When child rearing becomes a strain, I have learnt to talk to people and even asked for help.
Motherhood is tough. It is not just giving birth to a child. It is the entire process of nurturing her, teaching her the right values and giving her sufficient love. I won’t say I am the best mother in the world. All I can say is, I am still learning and trying to give the best I can to the people who are important to me. I am always grateful for the things I have and Yee Sinn is one of the greatest blessings in my life.
The greatest teacher one could have is life’s experiences and Motherhood is an experience itself.
Monday, July 7, 2008

"Winne the Pooh & Christopher Robin"

Saturday, July 5, 2008
p.s. I weighed her during her visit to the doctor. She's now 6.95kg at 5 months and 1 week. Am so glad that she's growing up just fine.