Papa was busy setting exam questions while babysitting Yee Sinn. Our dear girl just lay there quietly for almost half an hour, watching her papa punched in numbers into his pink calculator and writing down his questions.

Our ever curious baby seems to know that we're taking her photo. I took this while lying down with her during one of our playtime. Realised I have very few pictures of Yee Sinn and me.... let alone a family photo of the three of us.

Yee Sinn's favourite playmate is her papa. They always do silly things together, such as comparing whose tongue is longer.

We got our baby a small little toy to chew on. She liked to chew on it for the few days. She has since lost interest in that. Her thumb and 4 fingers on her left hand is STILL her favourite toy. Yes, even mama's breastmilk isn't as yummy as her hands. *Sigh*
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