1. Able to say "Dah-Dah". She says "dah-dah" for almost everything and anything.
2. Sit up, roll around and crawl. She can sit very well since she turned 5.5months. But for some strange reasons, she kept "kok-ing" her forehead yesterday while in a sitting position.
3. Pull herself up into a standing position.
4. Throw tantrums. She'll scream and kick around when she doesn't want to be placed in her playpen... not even for mere second.
5. Eat semi- solids. She has increased her intake of porridge during the last 2 days. She can proudly eat almost half a bowl. Unfortunately, she still hates water.
6. Recognise her papa and mama. She can so endearingly crawl to either one of us for her cuddles. She will show her anxiety when an unfamilar face carries her.... she's immediately becomes upset and sometimes cries when she looses sight of us.
My dear girl is growing up very quickly. Hubby and I treasure all these precious moments we spent together, watching her grow and showing all the cuddles and kisses onto Yee Sinn.