I took a day off from work today. It's quite a nice break spending the Monday morning nursing Yee Sinn, feeding her cereal, bathing her and patting her to nap.
She can now eat a few more mouthful of rice cereal, though the mess she makes is still horrible. Oh yah, I managed to see her doing her stunts too. She can now make her way to papa's gadgets (his handphone, calculator, digital camera or anything that gives out light and sound)... sometime rabbit hopping, sometimes crawling, sometimes combat crawling.
We went down to Lucky Plaza to try out the Nasi Brayani at Lucky Prata that was featured in yesterday's newspaper. Food isn't too bad but Yee Sinn didn't really liked the spicy smell of the resturant. We spend the next 2 hours looking through the baby fair at Takashimaya. Though we didn't see anything worth buying, it was a nice shopping experience with hubby and kiddo. Can't wait to take my next day off to bum around again.

Yee Sinn can be very naughty at times. She likes to grab things and have been gumming almost anything that she can lay her hands on. You name it, she had it.. in her mouth I mean.
Yee Sinn likes hairy chests! She likes to stroke the fur found one of the flash card with the picture of a "Cat" that Papa bought for her.

Yee Sinn eats like a bird. She doesn't drink a lot of milk... approximately 120ml to 150ml. That's not alot considering Dr Heng mentioned that the average kid her age usually takes in about 150ml to 180ml. But oh well, as long as she is growing well, I am not too concerned.
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