It was so fun meeting up with some old friends this afternoon in town. It sure takes quite a bit of effort arranging for this small gathering now that all of us are working and have our own committments. Pity one of our friends were down with fever else lunch today would have been livelier. I got to know them through joining one of the trekking activities organised by the NUS Rovers many years back. Most of them are at least 3-4 years younger. Some of us have became travelling companions and firm friends since then. It was quite fun watching these bunch of "kids" bickering and "suaning" each other during lunch... guess they haven't really grown up much. HAHAHHAHA.
They group was comtemplating making another trip to Mt Kinnabalu again..... and all I could tell them was I'll be at base camp waiting for their decend if they ever drag me there again. I guess age is catching up on me and I would not have the energy to spend my holiday "suffering" the lack of oxygen to climb another mountain. Give me Club Med anytime anywhere instead!!
Wah, nice compilation of the photos!
Haha, it's auntie who wants to have her revenge on kinabalu...one time is enough for the knees..keke...:D
If you folks really really really wanna go, I don't mind tagging along... just to base camp and all the makan places. Cheap chicken wings and seafood remember???? Oh... and loads of Nike stuff too. HAHAHHAHA.
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