Saturday morning was kind of a mad rush for all of us as we had a list of activities lined up. Hubby has a night walk with his friends in the evening. Also, it was supposed to be Victorian Day. With all these lined up, we packed the entire family- Yee Sinn and Grandma Lee as well, to VJC early in the morning. Hubby, being an old Victoria School and VJC ex-student and now a teacher there, wanted to be part of the fun. Very patriotic right? While he was checking out the activities that were lined up for ex-students, we helped ourselves to a free breakfast of roti prata.
Yee Sinn was pretty engrossed over the performace by several topless tribal men dancing with an albino peacock. She became excited and shouted "BIRD! BIRD!" when the peacock suddenly spreaded his feathers.
We joined the crew on stage at the end of the performance for this picture. We all got to touch the snake. Yee Sinn was curious about the snake and was wondering what that strange looking creature was.
"Yu! Yu! Yu!" Yee Sinn pointed excitedly to the huge fishes that were nibbling on the pigmy hippos. The hippos were enjoying their fish spa. Hee hee.
We took this picture at the infamous white tigers' enclosure. She pointed to the tiger that was roaming around and called out "Cat! Cat!". She was not wrong....tigers are cat after all. Hahahah.
Yee Sinn enjoyed herself exploring the zoo's interactive panels. There were flaps and buttons for the kids to learn more about the animals in the enclosures.
On Sunday, we decided to check out the other half of the zoo exhibits that we missed yesterday. That included the polar bear which got her pretty excited. She was upset that we wanted to move on and refused to leave the compound. We had to coax her by getting her to say “bye bye” to the “bear bear” cos he wanted to “orh orh” (sleep).
Here's the both of us watching the sea lions and sea cows at the animal shows on the 2nd day. Check out her new hair cut that I gave her just before her morning shower. Hee. It's my version of The Cleopatra Hair Style.
We also ventured into the zoo’s latest attraction which was the Rainforest Kidzworld. She checked out the ponies and the dogs. Unfortunately, she didn't show as much interest compared to seeing birds or fishes.
Yee Sinn took us by surprise when she gamely ventured to the water features. We thought she would be afraid. Instead, she enjoyed herself so much we had to carry her away when we had to go. It was a lovely way to end our visit at the zoo - a dip in the water features to cool ourselves down.
It was a tiring weekend but nevertheless, a fun one. I told hubby that it doesn't matter where we go or what we do over the weekends. As long as the family is happy, I would be happy too. He couldn't agree more to that.
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