Our little girl is officially 16-months old. She's picking up words and other naughty tricks very quickly. Though sometimes she can drive us up the wall with her naughty tricks, she can very quickly melt our hearts just by smiling and giving us a wet kiss or a big hug. Not sure where she learnt this from....
She enjoys pointing out things and naming them. Now she can easily identify objects such as : Bag, book, ball, moon, star, dao (knife in chinese), phone. She knows her animals such as dog, cat or Mao (Cat), Yu (fish), Nu (Cow), Pig, Ma (Horse), bee. She likes ballons but couldn't really pronuced it yet though. She calls them "Bubble". She can say "Please" but has to be prompted first. Am now trying to teach her to say "Thank you". :-)
Yee Sinn is also very good at identifying people- Mama, Papa, Ah Ma (grand ma), Ah Yee (my sister, her aunt) She can't call my dad "Ah Gong" yet.....
She likes to have conversations with us adults. There was once I heard the birds chirping outside our window and asked her
"Yee Sinn, what's that sound?"
"Bird Bird" she said, while looking out.
"Where are the birds?"
"There!! Bird Bird there!" She exclaimed while pointing out the window.
When she knocks her head, she'll come running and pat her head and say "Ma ma, Pain Pain!". All it takes to keep her happy is for us to sayang her and give her gentle kiss.
She also has a habit of going around and identifying who they belong to. "Mama de" "Papa de" "Ah Ma de" (meaning this belongs to mama etc). And if she wants something, she'll point at it and say "take! take!"
Am wondering when she'll start to say "IT"S MINE!!!!" Hahhahahahah!!!
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