Thursday, July 24, 2008

Yee Sinn has a new toy.... well, it is not exactly her toy because we rented it instead of buying. I came across this website that rents out children toys. In the end, I rented an Evenflo Exersuacer (or something like that) to keep our dear girl entertained.

She seemed to be enjoying herself by bouncing and turning herself while exploring the features that comes it it. Hubby and I are just wondering how long her interest for the toy will last.... thank goodness it is on loan.


Anonymous said...

really? I 've heard about this rental service in the United States before...but i didn't know that exist in Singapore as well! so good! I think it's an excellent idea- no wasting of resources, and save space at home! Plus you can expose your kid to sooo many different toys!

Little White Boat said...

Hee. Yeah... We're so afraid to buy her toys as we are never sure if she'll be interested for long. Same goes for books. It's to the library every few weekends for now to borrow kiddie books instead of buying them.

Little White Boat said...

Btw, Mindy and I will be heading to HK for your wedding. Flight and hotel accomodation have been confirmed. Can't wait to see you and the groom. :-)