At Marina Square, Yee Sinn attended her free trial session at The Little Gym. The place was offering a free trial for the month of July as they were newly opened. Since it was free, hubby and I thought why not? (Hee. We're a sucker for freebies).

It was a parent accompanied class and the class that she attended was meant for children between 10-19 months. Honestly, we felt that our little girl was a bit too old for the class. Unlike Yee Sinn, the majority of the kids were either crawling or just learning to walk. We also found out she was the only one in class talking to the teacher - she kept telling the teacher "NO! No! no!" when she tried to pick Yee Sinn for the exercise bar. She was also unhappy with the teacher for picking her up without asking her for permission when doing the forward roll. She just literally walked off after her tumble. She got bored after awhile and was more keen to explore the place on her own, which we let her. She had fun climbing the balancing bars and bascially, playing catching with her Papa and Mama. think we parents enjoyed the session more than our kid. Our verdict? We didn't sign Yee Sinn up in the end... keeping it free is good. :-)

Before the class started, Yee Sinn saw a man setting up his kiddy ride booth nearby. She wanted quite badly to ride on the green elephant. We told her very nicely that the uncle was still not ready for business and we would return after the class ended. She actually remembered what we told her and immediately after the gym class, we put on her shoes and she walked out towards the elephant. As a treat and keeping our promise to her, we paid $2 for a 5 min ride around the mall. Guess what happened? Hubby was taking her around the mall when the 5 mins was up. He ended up having to push our little girl and the green elephant back. Hahahhaha. My little girl is really daddy's princess.
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