Yee Sinn's favourite animal is horse. She's now able to identify pictures of horses by calling them "Ma- 马" in chinese. Sometimes she'll try to make the galloping motion when she gets excited. So on Saturday evening, we swang by the Singapore Polo Club so that our little girl can see a close up of real horses. My gosh, she was so facinated with the real animals. Too bad we couldn't get close enough to pat the horses.

We couldn't stay long cos they were closing up so we headed down to Lower Pierce Reservior. We took a stroll along the reservior before heading to the children's playground nearby. There was an old rusty merry-go-round which our little girl enjoyed playing. Poor me and hubby had to use our mighty strength to turn the old rusty dame.

Yee Sinn also had a go sliding herself on a commando-monkeybar station at the far end. See her arm power? We're so proud that she was able to hang herself for quite sometime.

Then there's the usual playground with slides and ladders etc. Yee Sinn explored the place a little before she called it a day.
We had dinner at this place called the Braised Kitchen along Upper Thomson Road. We ordered some pig's innards and other pork stuffs. Food was bascially above average but parking there was a terror.
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