Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
One good thing about bringing Yee Sinn to Royce Gym that she was able to play with a huge variety of toys.... which means that we as parents, need not be stocking up these play stuff at home. (We are already living in a pigeon hole and am wondering where to keep her toys if we keep buying new ones for her). She particularly likes to hoard on the Barney soft toy while she's there. Her another favourite section of the gym was where they put all the cooking toys. She always attempt to "cook" or "bake" us some strange looking stuffs or make us drink some strange sounding drinks from the toy kettles there.
We have also been hanging out at the Botanic Gardens after our weekly trips to Grandma Chang's. I thought it would be good exercise for me to walk a little more to keep fit while Yee Sinn feeds the fishes with stale bread. Other favourite activites that we engage in at the garden includes kicking a football, blowing bubbles or just lying down on our mats looking at the cloud formations. It's just simple, cheap and clean fun for the entire family.
In early November, the family took another staycation at Sentosa to chill out and to take a short break as I was getting a bit too big to travel overseas. As usual, we spent our time at the beach, the pool and exploring the island. Yee Sinn got to do all her favourite things like playing with the sand and just soaking herself in the seawater. While I got to sit in the shade and just relax as hubby played with her. In the evenings, we took her to see some fireworks and laser show on top of a hill ( can't remember what it was called) to avoid paying the entrance fees. The storyline of the laser show was still the same since we went in Aug apparently. Wish the management in Sentosa could be more creative in their programs to attact repeated customers like us.
When we got the know that the Christmas light up was ready along Orchard Road, we headed down the 2nd day after the official opening by the president. What a big disappointment compared to last year's. Apparently there were much less activities and lights compared to the previous year's. The decorations were also pretty much standard with nothing elaborate. Am wondering if there was a lack of sponsors for this year's event or the management of the light-up just had a smaller budget.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Last week was the September school holiday so hubby managed to spend quite some time with our little girl. Unfortunately, I had so much work I couldn't take leave to join in the fun.
Hubby and Yee Sinn did the using things - going to the library, going to NTUC to pick up groceries, going to bookshops, visting shopping centres as well as going to all the various playgrounds in the neighbourhood.
Boy, my old man and little girl went crazy just looking at all the Gundam models being exhibited. Hubby was initially a little disappointed as some of the rare model kits he was looking for were sold out. Nevertheless, he managed to purchase model that was seldom seen and he walked away being quite pleased with himself.
As for our little girl, she had a fair share of fun inserting coins after coins at the Gundam vending machine. She walked away with 2 mini model kit which she has been proudly displaying in our TV room.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
At the particular exhibit as above, Yee Sinn spreaded her arms and exclaimed that they are her wings like the butterflies... such innocence.
I do not know where our little girl got her energy from, but she just enjoyed digging the sand at the beach... she's either busy digging and digging, or bringing pails and pails of seawater for her papa for their sand castles. As for me, I just sat by the beach mat, keeping a watchful eye on our little girl in case she wondered off into the sea unattended. There were occassions when Grandma Lee and I took dips in the water.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Strangely, our little girl has been fascinated with monsters. She told me that Papa loves monsters. She coloured its teeth pink and eyes blue. She also stuck many colourful feathers around her monster. When hubby asked her what does her monster eats, she replied most innocently "Monsters eat cookies!" I think she has too much of Sesame Street. Hahahahha.
Father and daughter played a bit of football while I looked out for squirrels on the trees.
Hubby was telling me how fortunate he is to be able to experience the growing up of our little girl. Simple things like Yee Sinn's little gestures of kisses and hugs that made us forget all the frustrations and terrors she has given to us.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
There were days where they simply hung out at the shopping centre, just to bask in the Great Singapore Sale crowd- Robinson, Takashimaya, OG and City Hall! Bascially anywhere with a Toy Fair! But thank goodness most of the time the both of them are just window shopping or crowd watching.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Here's a picture taken at the Zoo entrance with the parrots.
Another favourite exhibit of ours is the polar bear. See both father and daughter observing the bears doing their swim strokes.
This was one of Yee Sinn's favourite activity that day- feeding the giraffes. We paid a good $5 for a bowl of carrots. A real rip off but seeing how delighted our little girl is, we soon forgot the pain in our pockets.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
It was a good break for all of us and I guess staycations have it’s plus points – no need to change currency, no need to do research for places of interests, no need to pack too many things (but do check out our luggage that we brought! We were too lazy to look for a smaller bag so we just simply dumped all our stuff into luggage that we brought to Penang.)
We went to Changi Beach on Saturday morning… lugging our picnic mat, spades, pail and forks. It was terribly hot so I insisted on setting up the mat under a huge shady tree that was further away from the usual beach area. Though it was facing the jetty where to water wasn’t so clean, I didn’t want any of us to be exposed to too much sun. Also, Yee Sinn wasn’t too interested in going into the water… she was more interested in digging the sand and making imprints of pokemons and hello kitty with her sand moulds.
We went back for a shower before Yee Sinn had her nap. We wanted to check out the broad walk in the evening but it was drizzling so we all decided to hit the pool instead. A little crazy but our little girl just love the pool… and after all, even if the rain doesn’t get her head wet, all the splashing in the pool will.
On Easter Sunday, all of us had a nice slow breakfast at Salt Water. They were having a 25% discount for in-house guests. Yee Sinn ate for free and all she wanted was bread with cheese. Guess she and her dad are not buffet people. No prize for guessing where we all went straight after breakfast – to the POOL again!
We were sure Yee Sinn enjoyed this little holiday with us. Just before we left the hotel, she asked us why were we not going back up to the hotel room but instead, going to our car. We could sense that she was a little disappointed so we assured her that we'll be back there again soon.
We're all looking forward to the next long weekend holiday. Hee.