Our little girl has grown up so much over the past 2.5 years. She now has a mind of her own and very much has a strong opinion on certain things.
Her favourite colour is now pink. And she loves everything pink... She was so delighted to be given a pink kiddy cup at Riders Cafe when we pop by on lazy Saturday morning for brunch. If she can help it, she will be wearing pink dresses/shirts/ shorts or whatever pink stuffs she can lay her hands to.
We have been trying to convince her that there are other colours in the specturm that are just as beautiful... but she's still not convinced... "My favourite colour is Pink" she would insist proudly to us.

She also enjoys doing more grown up activities these days. Recently, she became very interested in flower arrangement after having a go at it at her play group. I decided to buy a bunch of flowers for her to arrange as a gift to Grandma Chang as her birthday present. She could put together a "decent" arrangement (of course with my help in cutting the flowers into the correct length).
Another activity she enjoys a lot is watching TV. Beside her usual Seseame Street, Barney and Hi-F, her favourite programs are now Ben Ten, Pokemon and you'll never guess it.... Ninja Worriors! She and Grandma Lee will be sitting infront of the TV every Wednesday from 8 to 8.30pm watching the competitors in Ninja Worriors very intently.

Now that she's much older, she is able to articulate her thoughts better. She can now communicate better with older kids at the playground and at school. She also tends to approach younger kids and tries to talk to them in a gentl way. On of her favourite playmate is her cousin. Though they seldom meet, they would be now playing happily together instead of the usual fighting and snatching of toys.
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