I took a day off work yesterday, just to spend some time with our little girl. We decided to take her to the Bi-annual Singapore Garden Festival cos it was the last day. Boy, am I glad that we went there the last day of the flower show. There were a few shops selling plants and gardening stuffs and they were all heavily discounted so that they can get rid of their stocks.
I managed to grab a few potted plants at $2 each... which was a steal. They are all sitting nicely in my office cubicle.

Our little girl really enjoyed herself yesterday. This is a picture of her looking earnestly at the rubber snake at the "Rainforest" exhibit. The volunteers there allowed us to take a walk into the exhibits and we were all so fascinated at how they put the little potted plants together to create a jungle feel! Wish I can replicate that at my lift lobby at home. Hahahhaha. If only we have more sunlight there...

My favourite picture of the day! We sneaked into this exhibit to take this picture.... after which we were promptly ushered out! But hey! There were so many people infront of us doing the same thing too!

They had a bazaar of a sort on another floor with all the nuseries and stalls selling gardening tools and plants. We came across a pot of strawberries which Yee Sinn took to a liking. We moved a few pots away so that she could come up close to the pot and have a "feel" of the plant.

Here's Yee Sinn looking intently at the terrarium that was made into a coffee table. The exhibits there were truly inspiring. In the end, both hubby and I signed up with NParks to be part of their mailing list in case they have interesting workshops on plants etc. It's nice to know that our little girl is comfortable to be aquainted with plants and nature.

The exhibits also included some interactive booths explaining about plants and their life cycle. They also had educational materials on recycling and saving our environment. Yee Sinn was quite entertained when some electronic drawing devices that were on display.
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