We also took out some of Yee Sinn's old toys for Yee Ruu. Guess being the 2nd kid in the family means having to live with more hand-me-downs more often. Once in a while, I'll be so tempted to buy some new clothes or toys for the little one.
Her weight has also increased by almost half at 3 months old. We were initially worried that she will be a little underweight as she doesn't take a lot of milk. It was a relief when the PD assured us that she is around the 50% percentile in terms of weight.

Yee Ruu has also brought much joy to all of us, especially her big sister. Initially, we were afraid that Yee Sinn will be jealous of her baby sister but our fears are unfound. Yee Sinn instead, adores her baby sister. Am not sure where she learnt it from, but she has been very sensible and usually has the initiatives to help out during her sister's diaper change. She also comfort her when she cries and plays with when she's awake. She has also learnt to share her toys, her time and her love with her sister. She has became her little sister's protector in a way. Both hubby and I are so glad that we made the right decision of having another child (though the journey of doing so wasn't so easy and was filled with some heart breaks) so that our elder girl will have someone to be with.
May both my girls be happy and well.
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