Yee Sinn has been attending art lessons for the last few weeks. Above is a picture she drew before we started on her lessons. On the left is a picture of me. It's bascially just a circular face with legs and hands straight out from the face. On the right is her papa. Though it was a simple picture, I was really proud of her. She does have eyes for details such as her papa's unshaven beard. Hahhaha.

On her first lesson, the teacher showed her how to draw a cat. In that drawing she coloured her cat purple (papa's favourite colour according to her). So a few days after her first lesson, she drew me 2 cats. The bigger one is "mama" cat while the smaller one behind is her baby cat. She liken the picture to the both of us. She coloured the "mama" cat a hue of colours... and exclaimed that only the "mama" cat can have all the colours from her crayons. She prefers the baby cat to be plain white. This shows how important I am to her.

Just 2 days ago, she drew our family portrait again. See how each of us are of different colours? She told me that she used red to draw me cos it's my favourite colour. And again, I was the first person she drew on the middle of the paper and I occupy the biggest space on (this again it shows that I'm the most important person in her life right now). On the extreme right is her little sister Yee Ruu lying down. She drew herself behind her sister, holding a heart-shaped balloon.

The above picture was drawn just yesterday. It's a picture of Grandma Lee with her curly hair. Compared to her very first few pictures, the bodies she has been drawing are now more proportionate (much bigger than before). There are now hands coming out of the bodies and the above picture even shows Grandma Lee wearing long pants (like she always does).
I'm wondering what other surprises my Yee Sinn will be coming up with next. :-)
Yee Sinn inherited all your creativity! And she's so sweet!
And I realised now that one can really tell so much from a kid's drawings!
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