It's the school holidays again and we have a series of activities lined up for the kids. They just simply love having their Papa around to take them places. To them, Papa = F.U.N!!!

We visited the Singapore Art Museum (SAM). Once again they were having the Children's Season. We really like the way they put up their exhibits. They are usually very colourful and most, if not all their installations were interactive. We actually went to 8Q to purchase the tickets and were re-directed to their main museum where the exhibits were.

Our Yee Sinn sure enjoyed herself. She was pretty excited as she entered each and every room to explore what they have installed. There were plenty of colouring projects stations as well as mini-games where the kids could mix and match items to create their own pictures by sticking these pieces that were on velcro onto the installations. One that she particularly enjoyed was sticking different types of clothes to create her own fashion people.

We also paid $1 for a paper fruit template to create our own paper fruit. There were simple ones such as an orange to fruits that required very complex folding and gluing skill like the bananas. Yee Sinn insisted on an apple which was moderately difficult. It took hubby and her a good half and hour to complete their task.

The whole family had fun doing up some colouring pages that were available free. Even Yee Ruu had a go.

At the end of the day, everyone was pretty exhausted. The kids just zonked out in their strollers the moment they sat down. Making the best out of the situation, hubby and I decided to chill out nearby for a nice quiet Tunch while the kids slept. It was a nice way to spend a Monday afternoon.
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