Monday, August 31, 2009

Yee Sinn learnt a new word recently - Gundam

We were surprised when she first mentioned "Gundam" and insisted her Papa to let her play with his toy model that he has been fixing. She has been pointing to them occasionally at it and saying "Gun Damm! Gun Damn!" "Bang! Bang!" since then.

We were taken aback when we brought her to the toy section at Kiddy Palace yesterday. She was playing with the usual Fisher Price toys that were on display for awhile before wondering towards the toy modelling section. There, she recognised the Gundams sets and exclaimed very excitely "Gun Damn" a couple of times. Before we knew it, she removed a few boxes to reach out for a very expensive model, which I think her papa wouldn't mind buying if there was a discount.

My hubby had a smile on his face every since and I'm sure he was darn proud that his little girl has shown some interest in his hobbies. Sigh.

Monday, August 24, 2009

It has been a busy week and I'll be even busier this week with meetings at work. Sigh. Sometime I wish we'll have more long weekends. I just love spending my time with hubby and our little girl. We have endless ideas of what to do during the weekends.... but so little time.

Just yesterday, as we were heading towards Grandma Chang's place, we decided really last minute to swing by the Saddle Club to check out the horses. It was really a last minute decision cos we were already on the expressway and almost heading past Eng Neo exit. And guess what? we really enjoyed ourselves there.

We got really up, close and personal with a particular horse while we were there. It's actually an Irish Cob, a really people friendly breed. The owner was kind and patient to explain to us about his horse's personality and habits. We even got to pet it.

We were there for quite a while before rushing to Grandma Chang's place. I had to be there before 11.30am cos I promised to prepare roast chicken for lunch and Yee Sinn's Ah Yee needed to leave by 12.30pm. We're pretty sure we'll be back at the Saddle Club very soon.

While at Grandma Chang's place, we decided to get a bit creative after our lunch and naps. There were some some old alphabet mats from work that the department wanted to discard and I thought Yee Sinn could play with it since they looked quite new still. So over the week, we got them washed and cleaned. We decided to leave them at Grandma Chang's place so that Yee Sinn's cousins could play with them too. So here she is, creating her "house" with her papa's help.

Before heading back home, Hubby had cravings for good Mee Rebus. So we decided to swing by Botanic Garden for his Mee Rebus fix. We brought some stale bread with us so that Yee Sinn could feed the greedy fishes there. It was drizzling a little so we let her wear her papa's hat. We folded it a little so that it'll fit just nicely on her. Thought she looked really adorable with the hat and that excited look on her face.

Monday, August 17, 2009

No prizes for guessing where we went over the weekend. Yes, we booked at room at Crowne Plaza at Changi Airport for a night. We find it difficult and troublesome to travel abroad with our little girl so we decided to do a "Staycation" instead.

Well, we felt it was a good decision cos Yee Sinn was very fascinated with view that our room came with. It faceed the airport runway with the skytrains running parrallel below. We wanted to show her the actual size and scale of an aeroplane and we managed to do just that. So now, she knows that an aeroplane is huge and makes a booming sound when taking off. Many times, she would exclaim excitedly "来了来了来了!!" whenever there's a plane taking off or the skytrain coming past. She can't pronounce the letter "L" and "R" very well yet so she'll just point and say "Air pain" or "Thain"

Over at terminal 3, Changi Airport was one of the main sponsor for next year's Youth Olympics 2010. There were game booths set up so we gamely participated in some. We walked off with some cash vouchers which were used to pay for our lunch at the airport. Our little girl had fun jumping on the inflatable castles as well as dancing to the music on the podium.

The airport was quite a child friendly place. They have constructed an indoor play area for the kids. There were some interactive exhibits where the children could draw and colour on some block prints. We also went swimming at the hotel pool in the late evening. Strangely though, the water was very cold. We didn't stay long before we called it a day.

When we got home on Sunday, we rested awhile before heading down to Toa Payoh Central for a walk. We came upon a stall whereby we could rent battery operated cars for $3 for 15 mins. For the younger kids, they have remote controlled battery operated cars!! We thought Yee Sinn would be interested so we gave it a try. Guess it ended up with Hubby enjoying himself more. The best part? The business owner was so creative to come with with a loyalty card - Buy 10 rides and get 1 free. Guess we'll be going back there more often now. Hee Hee.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I just love long weekends... who doesn't? I realised I've not been blogging for about 2 weeks already. I was too busy with the work and we were shifting office (again!). So now that most things have been settled, I was looking forward to the much awaited 3-days National Day break.

My national day break started much earlier... I took the afternoon off on Friday. Hubby had half day of school in the morning and we actually intended to catch Harry Potter at the cinema. Our plan didn't materialized eventually cos of the odd screening time. Instead, we went back home and took Grandma Lee and Yee Sinn out to Orchard road to chill and of course, to check out the "National Day Sale" that so many departmental stalls had.

We were at the Takashimaya toy fair and walked away with a $25 kitchen set. It's quite a good buy cos it kept Yee Sinn busy for the next few days. We also went down to OG to get some household items before calling it a day.

I managed to get the corporate Sentosa passes so we headed down to Sentosa on Saturday afternoon. This time, we were more prepared. We brought Yee Sinn arm floats, swimming costumes, sand castle set, her milk and sunblock. And my oh my.. she sure had loads of fun by the beach.

Yee Sinn liked having the waves splashing against her, though she was still somewhat careful not to venture out too much in the sea without holding on to her Papa or Mama.

Our little girl was also more comfortable playing with the sand compared to the last time we were there. She kept herself busy digging up sand and filling up the cartoon moulds for her Papa. We'll teach her how to build sand castles when she gets older.... in the meantime, we'll just let her practise digging and filling up. Hee.

Yee Sinn saw some kids at the water fountain area and she wanted to be there too. We were there for quite sometime while our girl kept "grabbing" the water with her hands or putting her foot above the water point to stop the water from flowing out. As expected, she was knocked out to slumberland the moment we put her in the car seat for home.

Sunday was the usual- At Grandma Chang's place. We decided to bring the kitchen set that we bought at the Takashimay Toy Fair to Grandma Chang's place. We actually intended to leave it there so that Yee Sinn and her cousins will have something interesting to play with during our weekly visits. However, since we'll not be visiting Grandma Chang next week, Grandma Chang insisted that we bring it home so that Yee Sinn can play with it for the next few days. Yee Sinn was pretty much occupied with her new toy most of the time. She has been "cooking" and "feeding" for almost everyone at home.

And yes, she has been role playing quite a bit too. On Monday morning, I saw her "feeding" her soft toy some food. She told us "Dog Dog eat nah nah" - Dog dog is eating banana. Hahahah. Guess my little princess is growing up pretty fast. I'm already looking forward to the next weekend.