Wednesday, January 11, 2012

School has started. Yee Sinn is now back to school for a 5 good hours in the morning from 8am till 1pm. She seems to be enjoying her lessons as she has been coming home with lots of stories of how her day went. Beside outdoor play (which is always the highlight of the day), the school now has Chinese lessons. Let's hope Teacher Liz will do a good job getting Yee Sinn ready for Primary 1 in good time.

Yee Ruu on the other hand, is on a milk strike. I’m running out of ideas on how to make her drink her milk. She has been drinking really little these few days and am wondering if it’s the milk powder, the milk bottle teats or what. I’m already starting to wean the little one off breast milk and she seems upset that she’s not getting to latch on as much as before. I have also tried getting other milk samples beside her usual Friso and it doesn’t seems to be working. Many other mummies have shared that they also face the same problem and it is due to feeding our kids with our breast milk for too long. How I wish my Yee Ruu is a milk lover like her elder sister. Sigh.

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