Thursday, August 21, 2008

Since Monday's National Day Rally, many of my well-meaning friends have been asking me to start trying for another baby to keep Yee Sinn company. For those who have missed what was being announced, you can refer to this site:

In summary on work-life support, from 1st Jan 09, the government will be giving mothers an extra 1 month of paid maternity leaves (a total of 4 months now), 6 days of paid childcare leave (up from 2), tax incentives as well as more baby bonus.

Having Yee Sinn is already a big blessing. Hubby and I are enjoying ourselves with her. Therefore, we are actually not too sure if it is a good time to have baby number 2. Our main worry is whether we will be able to give Yee Sinn sufficient attention if we have to handle other siblings as well. Oh well, this issue will be KIV for now. :-)

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