Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm enjoying my motherhood. First 2 days at home alone with Yee Sinn wasn't too bad. She already has a routine so as long as I follow it somewhat, it's a breeze for the both of us. There was a farewell party for my ex-boss yesterday so I brought her along to work for awhile. She was a bit shy initially but warmed up quite quickly to all the "uncles and aunties" who bribed her with toys.

We popped by my friend's place to see her 2 rabbits after lunch. Yee Sinn was very curious about the bunnies. However, she was brave enough to feed them lettuce off her hands and even patted them when she gets her chance. It's a pity we forgot to snap some pictures. We brought her to the playground in the evening but most of her friends were not around. She lost interest quite quickly before walking towards Toa Payoh Central to check out the shops there. Wondering if she'll be a shopperholic next time.

1 comment:

God Emperor said...

Shoppaholic... most likely take after her mom, buy, buy, buy then realise you have too many white elephants! heh heh... :P